(no subject)

Jan 03, 2010 15:01

Title: A Choice of Magic
Receiver: chiarahhue
Prompt: Let your muse run free and surprise me! Action, romance, humor - I’m pretty much up for anything Sparky.
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff/Humor
Beta Reader: wanderingsmith
Author’s notes: Well, my muse ran free and straight into the cheese section. Sorry for the extra cheese I put into this fic, it was on sale. *giggles* *hides* I hope you’ll like it, chiarahhue.

It was the night before Christmas. The buzzing city was calm; lights glittered ever so brightly, and for once, even Elizabeth Weir herself called it an early night. The last days had been stressful, but almost everyone was in spirit for the holidays. Throughout the city were different kinds of festive decorations to be seen; everyone contributed something, so it was a colourful and exotic mixture of traditions. Elizabeth wasn’t surprised when the first Christmas decoration John Sheppard put up in Atlantis was a mistletoe right above her office entry. John considered the mistletoe as an excuse to kiss Elizabeth in public. Their relationship wasn’t a secret, but usually they kept a professional distance during the day, till they returned to their quarters.

They went fairly early to bed, after enjoying Christmas Eve together with their friends. Elizabeth was sure she already had slept a fair bit before she felt John’s hands tenderly touching her back.



“What are you doing?”

“I’m waiting for Santa,” he said sleepily with a smile on his lips, and continued drawing circles on Elizabeth’s back.

Elizabeth grinned and turned around to face him. She took his face in her hands and gave him a gentle kiss on his lips.

“You know he won’t come if you’re awake. Sleep!” she said playfully, stroking her hand through his hair and snuggling closer to him.

Elizabeth was drifting off when John broke the silence again. “I like your pyjama, you look cute in it.” This was their first year and she was wearing her holiday sleeping outfit. It was her little tradition for the Christmas season since her childhood.


“Hhmm,” she answered, burying her face deeper in his chest.

“I think Santa was here a minute ago.”

“You sure? It’s a long way from Earth to the Pegasus Galaxy,” Elizabeth mumbled sleepily in John’s chest.

“You know Rudolph, that little Speedy Gonzales, I’m sure they’re already on their second tour.”

Elizabeth smiled and couldn’t shake off the feeling that John had something planed. He hadn’t slept yet and he seemed restless; even nervous.

“You might wanna take a look!” he said encouragingly.

“Mhm, but it's so warm here, I don’t want to get out,” Elizabeth answered reluctantly, not wanting to leave the warmth of John’s body and their ocean of blankets.

“I’ll warm you up, once you’re back from your long journey,” he said teasingly.

Taking a blanket with her, she climbed out of bed and shuffled in her Santa slippers over to the open window, where a wrapped gift was lying. Snowflakes danced outside, and some found their way into their room. She closed the window and made her way back into the bed. Immediately, she curled herself in the protective arms of John, who wrapped blankets tightly around her body. Only her arms were free, holding the present.

“Good?” John asked, tugging her in.

“Mhm, good,” Elizabeth answered, turning around and giving him a kiss before her attention was drawn back to the gift in her hands.

“You can open it,” John said eagerly. Elizabeth carefully peeled the wrapping paper from the item. Her first idea was right, it was a book. John was peeking over her shoulder, resting his head on it.

“The wondrous adventure of the little queen,” she read the title out loud and moved with her finger over the hand-drawn figure, which looked a lot like her, Elizabeth realized. Now she was fully awake. Turning around, she looked amazed at him, “John, did you make this?”

Holding up his hands to prove his innocence, he said, “The copyright claims go entirely to Santa Claus.”

She raised her eyebrow, but said nothing. Elizabeth would enquire later; her attention was drawn back to the book again.

The first sight that greeted her was a big picture of the little queen, dressed in a beautiful red gown, her curls hanging loosely over her shoulders. At a closer look, she saw the little queen holding a little laptop in her hand. Elizabeth grinned; the figure was called Lizabeth. In the meantime, John nuzzled her neck, but her focus was on the book. The story started on Earth and Elizabeth flipped through the next pages with excitement. She was holding her breath when the little queen was in danger, then laughing and grinning, especially when Lizabeth’s butlers Rody and Zele were arguing with each other.

The adventure of the little queen was coming to an end and Elizabeth was excited like a child to see how the story would resolve. On the last passages, Lizabeth’s hero, Johnny Casheppard, made an appearance again. He was the one who saved the little queen from bad guys throughout the fairytale. Elizabeth gasped when she opened the very last page. The spiky haired hero surprised the little queen with a ring and asked her: >>Can I become your king?<<

The story ended there, but as she was speaking the last words, John joined her and before her eyes appeared a sparkly ring. Elizabeth was struck speechless for a moment before she turned around and looked into John’s hopeful eyes.

“Can I become your king?” John repeated the question nervously, his voice cracking slightly.

Elizabeth smile turned into a full grin as she answered, “Yes.”

John carefully put the ring on her finger and kissed her tenderly on the lips. Elizabeth was touched by the efforts he had made; the ring was gorgeous and fitted perfectly. Looking into John’s eyes, she tried to show him how much this meant to her before she leaned in and kissed him lovingly on his lips. This was a truly magical Christmas night.

And they all lived happily ever after.
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