Life takes random turns here and there...

Jan 29, 2008 15:44

 so...the last time I was in LA my friend Matt Toka had an instore concert at this clothing store Original Penguin that in Beverly Hills/West Hollywood.  It's part of this concert series sponsered by Spin Magazine, featuring local talent.  So I went, Matt put on an amazing performance.  Me being me, took a bunch of pictures.  Well I got a message from him on myspace today, and I guess Spin wants to use some of the pictures (not sure if just for their website or the actual magazine or what) and they want mine!  How cool is that?

I talked to a friend who is a professional photographer, and he said it sounds like they want to buy the rights to the photos..which he said is fine, and asked me if I'm getting paid or not...I'm not sure, so I sent a message to Matt to ask them.  If I don't get paid, no big deal, it's still cool to possibly have a music magazine use my pictures, website or actual magazine, but if I got paid?  Even cooler!
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