This is really not my day...

Oct 26, 2007 11:09

 So had an amazing time last night at the show in San Francisco......The Binges and The 88 are so amazing live. And they are the coolest people ever! Got to hang out with them after their sets. Met a lot of really cool people, had a blast. I'll get back to more of that when I'm not so pissed off.

So I'm driving back from San Fran on Hwy 12 (aka blood alley, lots of accidents there) I'm like 10 minutes from being home, when my front windshield explodes, glass flying at me, getting in my mouth, my hair...I think I even inhaled/ingested some tiny bits, my lungs hurt...

So I pull over and the guy in front of me does too, I thought maybe his car kicked up a rock and he saw....nope, some punks in a truck going the opposite way were throwing the size of my fist (found it in my backseat), and hit me, the guy in front of me and a big rig behind me.

Both his car and the semi had been hit on their passenger side of the windshield, but not mine, mine hit driver's side, and if it had been about 6 inches closer to the middle it would've hit me in the head, and well, who knows what else may have happened....

My left arm is all cut up from the glass, and I got like no the time the cops actually made it out there and took the report, got home like almost 4....ASSHATS!!! So not a happy camper right now.....

And to make matters worse, my laptop was acting up and not loading windows...saying there was a problem, so might have to reinstall, but will lose my data unless I can figure out how to back up the system....


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