Gotta love these tagging games/random info!

Aug 01, 2007 12:36

Here's how you play: Once you've been tagged, write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their names, and why you chose them to be tagged. Don't forget to leave them a comment "You're It" and to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you........

Ok, I'm bad at getting these done, so finally here goes...

1. I'm a complete slob at home, but at work I'm a clean freak.

2. One of my biggest pet peeves is hair on my stuff, whether my own or someone elses....disgusts me!

3. My sister used to lock me in my room when I was like 2, until I would start crying so she could come in and "rescue" me!  (and they wonder why I have abandonment issues!)

4. It really is a miracle I'm still alive today, I have almost died on many many occaisions (especially when I was little) from seizures/choking/drowning.... (hey it seemed like a good idea at the time to go swimming by myself, in my clothes, at age 4)

5.  Because of previously listed problems (seizures) I have had radioactive isotopes ingested into my body trying to find the problem (flouride was the bastard) and was in/out of childrens hospitals the first year and a half of my life! (they thought I wasn't going to survive!)

6.  I still sleep with a big stuffed dog that my mom bought me when my first dog died.

7. I hate raw onions with a passion, will sit and pick them out of my food.

8. When meeting new people I can put on the best show of confidence you've ever seen, but secretly am terrified of what they're thinking of me.

9. When I die, I want it to be quick, hopefully sacrificing my life for someone else, none of this dying at home in my bed/asleep shit (and I would like it to be before I turn 40)

10.  My worst/happiest memory is that I was able to spend the last few minutes of my mom's life by her side, whether she knew we were there or not.

And since I refuse to play by the rules, I'm not tagging anyone, but anyone who wants to do this is more than welcome!  It's kinda cool


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