(no subject)

Jun 21, 2007 14:48

Title: Insecurities
Rating: G
Summary: We all know Chloe's insecure, but does Jack?
Prompt - 63 - Self-conscious
Requested by: failegaidin
Written for: 100_situations
A/N:  Just a small oneshot until I can figure out how to finish "Haunted"  Oh, and in this I deny that Jack went to China.  Nope, nuh uh, what Chinese?

It was late, and it was way past time for Jack to go home. Thankfully it had been a relatively quiet day at CTU, and he was going to take full advantage of that. Go home, throw back a couple of beers and let the television numb his tired mind. Walking down the hallway toward the locker room, he slowed as he heard the sound of someone talking. He had just finished briefing the skeleton night crew, so he wasn't really expecting to run into anyone else before he made his escape. He slowed to a stop as he reached the door to the locker room. It was a woman's voice. A voice he would recognize no matter what. A voice that protected him, watched over him. A voice that was always willing to trust him, no matter what.

He quietly opened the door to the locker room, curious as to who she was talking too. He slowly made his way over to where Chloe was standing by a mirror. He looked around, there was no one else in the room. He was just about to make his presence known when she started talking to herself again.

Chloe opened up the small compact from the makeup bag and opened it up. She hesitated for a moment before she growled in frustration and threw the compact against the wall with such a force it shattered into small pieces. "What's the use!" she yelled. "You're only fooling yourself if you think putting on a little makeup is going to make you suddenly more appealing to him. Like you could even begin to compare yourself to Audrey?" Chloe sighed, running her hand through her messy hair. She dropped her head, looking down at her feet. "Besides, even if I did have the perfect hair, the perfect makeup, perfect clothes...all I'd have to do is open up my stupid mouth and ruin everything." With that she looked back up into the mirror, a single tear rolling down her cheek. "Face it Chloe," she told her reflection, "You're on your own."

Finally Jack had had enough. Stepping out of the shadows he purposefully walked towards Chloe. "How can you do that Chloe." She gasped as she spun around, seeing the last person on earth she'd want to see at this moment. "How can you even begin to try and compare yourself to Audrey?"

Chloe's eyes began to burn with the tears that were threatening to spill out. "You're right, I don't know what I was thinking Jack. I'm sorry." She started to walk around him, trying to make her way to the door before she completely broke down. Just as she passed him she added, "I'm sorry for thinking I could ever compare myself to her in your eyes."

Jack stared after her, unsure of how to react for a moment. Chloe was almost to the door now, the tears already beginning to escape, when suddenly she felt a pair of strong arms grabbing her around her waist, pulling her and turning her until she was face to face with Jack.

"Jack please, just let me go."

"No Chloe, you have to understand what I meant, why I said what I did."

"I get it Jack, you love Audrey, I'm just someone who's good with computers and doesn't mind being arrested on a frequent basis. I know that's all I'll ever be."

"Chloe listen to me, I loved Audrey. Past tense. We decided to end it a few weeks ago. We knew it wouldn't work, we had become too different. And I truthfully can't say I'm sad about it."

"A few weeks ago? But you never mentioned anything."

"I know, I had to take some time and figure things out. Decide what I wanted to do in my life. More importantly, who I wanted in my life."

Chloe swallowed slowly. "And what did you decide?"

"You Chloe, I want you. I meant what I said, about you comparing yourself to Audrey, just not the way you took it. You are so much more to me than you realize."

"Yeah, because I do whatever you ask me to."

"No, because you trust me no matter what. You are the one person I've always been able to trust in not to let me down." He held her head in his hands, wiping away the remnants of her tears with the pads of his thumbs. "I love you Chloe. I'm just sorry it took me so long to realize. It took me too long to realize what I always had right in front of me." With that he closed the gap between them, kissing her slowly, giving her a chance to pull back if she wanted. Instead she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, groaning in pleasure. He tilted his head to deepen the kiss, running his tongue against her lips, asking for permission. She quickly allowed him entrance, sighing as he explored her mouth. Minutes or hours later, he wasn't quite sure, the need for oxygen became too much. Finally pulling away, he rested his forehead against hers. "Wow," she said as they caught their breath.

"My thoughts exactly. Now why don't you let me take you home and we can finish this conversation in a more private location."

"I like the way you think Agent Bauer."

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