-First, THANKYOU to the writers of this episode for not giving Clare some godawful baby-smugglin' backstory, but a real story about a real difficulty thrown out of proportion by something kooky. I just hope they manage the same with Walt and Mercut---Michael.
-HURLEY FOR PRESIDENT. Seriously, he is whupping Jack's arse in the leadership stakes here.
-Charlie and Hurley have the best lines in the episode, as follows:
-'Dear diary. Still on bloody island. Today I swallowed a bug.'-- Charlie. He's just cute.
-'One sugar plum fairy, two sugar plum fairy...'-- Charlie. Now, from reviews I've read, it seems that people are under the impression that this is how we time stuff over here on this island. I've never heard it before, but damn I'm gonna use it from now on.
-'I gave up drugs, I can deliver a baby!'-- Also Charlie. This line really made me laugh. Because.
-'I was driving a bus, and my teeth started falling out. And my Mum is in the back eating biscuits, and everything smells like bacon. Weird.'-- Charlie's dream. I love this dream cause it's cool. And he calls them biscuits. I get annoyed when British characters use Americanisms, by the by, so Charlie saying biscuits was a big thumbs up.
-"I'm out here looking for some psycho with Scott and Steve, and all of a sudden I'm like, WHO THE HELL ARE SCOTT AND STEVE?"-- Hurley. As previously said, Hurley is the best.
-"I know I already talked to you, but I just wanted to get away from him for a second..." -- Hurley. Seriously though, I love Cryptic!Locke, but can't he give a straight answer once in a while?
-Now, onto a proper update thing.
-Clare can scream real good. But whoa that nightmare was creepy: major kudos to the sound technicians putting those knife-sounds in whilst Locke was playing cards (cards=chance, duh :p), and those creepy eyes that mirror his backgammon set and the stones found in the 'Rape Caves' (thanks, Shannon) , and again for the sounds of the plane over the spooky O Shit The Plane Is Crashing Airlines mobile. Awesome stuff.
-Don't any of the characters get creeped out by the way people they're talking to just randomly start staring off into the void? Or are they used to it now?
-But yeah, like I said, I'm glad Clare's situation (besides psychic man) is relatively normal. Her boyfriend is panicking over what colour the pregnancy test colour is (surely the point is whether there are lines at all, never mind what colour they are?) They conclude that she is indeed pregnant, after an amusing panic fest in which he shouts about his uncle being mis-tested for testicular cancer until Clare points out that he's dead. I shouldn't find this funny but I... do. Sorry.
-Tom of the Bastardvilles goes all gooey, and I'm thinking ohnofuckhe'snotgoingtodothis and laughing overt he strategic placement of the paintings so we can see just how shite they are. Hee.
-Kate, it turns out, enjoys sinking. Okay, I enjoy sinking too, but that's not the point. I'm glad there's not much Kate in this episode, and she is quite good when we do see her, but I can't help but think that I wish she'd sink out of sight completely. I don't know why she annoys me so much. When I know, I'll tell you.
-Charlie drinks tea. Charlie, I'm so proud. And his dream is hilarious, as mentioned above. But does he say 'the only thing that seperates us from these savage ANTS or savage YANKS? I so hope it's the latter. And why was Clare being so cold-shouldered with the awesomely cute, funny, caring, tea-drinking Hobbit man? WHY?
-PSYCHIC DUDE. One thing about this episode that freaks me out is that the psychic thing is actually shown as legitimate. I don't believe in psychicness because it scares me. I don't want the future to be planned. But it works here, somehow. I think it's cause the psychic guy is fairly normal, and not a Professor Trelawney wannabe.
-KNIVES SLASHING OMGWTFNOOOOO. And holy cow, if Clare was screaming before, it's nothing to what she's doing now. Christ almighty. She says she was attacks and Charlie goes all 'Tally ho, let's get the bastard!' And then he runs off with Hurley, and Hurley has his moment about Scott and Steve, tells Jack his real name is Hugo (God Hurley's cute. I want to marry him.) and then decides to start a census. Much humour ensues.
-Charlie flirts with Clare again. She does not faint into his arms. Feh.
-Thomas of the Bastardvilles proves me right. BASTARD BASTARD BASTARD BASTARD. Clare fights real good here. Go Clare! Seriously, I could rant forever about the damned SELFISH, IGNORANT BASTARD this guy is and how much better off Clare is without him. And his painting. I would also like to educate him: the pill DOESN'T GUARANTEE THAT SOMEONE WILL NOT GET PREGNANT, BITCH.
-Locke is tanning boar hide. How come Locke knows so much about stuff like this? He creeps Hurley out again.
-I have to say I'm with Jack here: I mean, I think something definitely happened to Clare, but I'm pretty sure that when you're pregnant your dreams go haywire anyway, let alone being pregnant and about to give birth on the island of death and polar bears. I'm pretty sure some of it is in her head.
-ETHAN IS EVIL AND SCARY AND NOTKATHESCARYMANAWAAAAAAY! *Wibble* Though the thing about Canada was funny. They must be seen the same way we see Wales. Hee hee.
-Jack could've explained so much better to Clare. Explain first about how pregnancy can effect your sleep and mind etcetera, be nice, and suggest the pills. Don't do what he basically did, and call her crazy. I'm not surprised she stormed off.
-Proving my point completely, Hurley talks Sawyer into giving him the manifest without even incurring a sneer. Word.
-I didn't think Clare would send the baby for adoption. Gotta feel sorry for the other couple, though :(
-Clare's psychic gives her the plane tickets omg. Charlie's right, he knew this would happen. BUT did he know that she would survive and have to keep the baby, or did he not see that far and could have possibly killed her? Hm.
-I agree with Sam. The baby is coming across as the anti-Christ here. That would be a fun storyline.
-Boone is annoying. Hurley just wants to know who's on the island. It's SENSIBLE. Shannon made me laugh this episode though.
-Aaaaaaand Clare is in the middle of giving birth. And creepy Ethan appears. ARGH!
Anyway, yeah. Got a good school report-- am very pleased :) Dad bought me Vanity Fair as a reward. Is this film any good? I've heard good stuff, but I heard good stuff about Notting Hill, so yeah.
Big Sisters was awesome today. We did contraception, and anything to do with plastic penises is fun.
Sparky was soooooooooo good today. Whoo!
I plan to actually put credit on my phone tomorrow. OMG. Meeting
chewbeaker, yay!
Erm... yeah. Sorry for the very bullet-pointed entry. I can't be bothered to think.
Fran xxx