Sep 22, 2005 19:36

I'll do a proper update later on. Till then, I have to tell you all about The Fish.

For his birthday in August, my brother wanted tropical fish, and tropical fish he got. It's a brilliant hobby, and really, really interesting. You could only have a quarter of your tank capacity once you'd sorted the tank (which took about two weeks). We started off with these fish:

This is a male pineapple swordtail. We have a female too, as they are only sold in pairs. The female doesn't have the long fin. They are called Mr. and Mrs. Fruit Salad.

We had five of these neon tetras. As they all look alike, they're called Flicker 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

And, of course, Fluffy. He is the favourite fish, as he has personality. He's an albino corydoras. Fluffy is just a dude.

Today, we could update our tank. The lady who started Max off warned that it would become an addictive hobby, and sure enough it has been. Me and Hope decided that we wanted fish today :)

Max got guppies, which he's wanted for ages. Aren't they so gorgeous? Their tails shimmer. The blue one is called Aqua and the spotted one Millions.

These are the zebra danios. Like the tetras they swim in a shoal, so we have five of these: Z, E, B, R and A.

We wanted to get a mate for Fluffy, so this is Felix the corymattre. They are both bottom feeders, which means they get food that's been dropped or missed by the other fish, which helps to keep the tank clean.

Now, we swore when we started this that we'd never get catfish as they're so ugly. But Hope really wanted this upside-down catfish. True to it's name, it does swim upside down. I like this catfish :D Exception that proves the rule. He's called Mr. Muddle.

And these are my fish: red wag platys. They come in pairs as well, and since I'm very, very sad, and it gives me a giggle, I've called them Pintel and Ragetti. Ragetti is, naturally, the girl fish-- as you can see on the picture, the one at the back has a fin on the bottom that's long and thin, and that's the male, whereas the female has a triangular one (which you can't see very well).  I heart my fishies!

Um... yeah. That's enough about my new hobby. Proper update including Lost review coming soon!

Fran xxx

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