I thought Alaric was safe. This has taken me 4 days to get over how shitty the 3x20 episode was. I knew that it was going to be Stefan and Elena heavy so I put it off until Sunday. That was dumb. I bawled like a baby and this is a first I was only able to sit through it once. (I FFed all the Stelena shit so I am going to have to go back and rewatch at some point because as much as I don't like them together I do love them separately).
You can never think a character is actually safe on TVD except Stefan and Damon. But if someone was close I thought it would be Ric. Apparently I was wrong. Elena has lost her adopted parents and her real parents all in one year. Then Jenna, her aunt dies. How the fuck do you then kill her guardian/step-dad?
It is cruel. Alaric is my second favorite character. I guess I should have know when Matt Davis got his own show for next season but I just thought he would ride off into the sunset to really become a vampire hunter/teacher somewhere else.
This season has been all over the place. The serial killer story for Alaric never really fit and at this point I want all the originals gone. GONE! I'll keep Elijah around for his prettiness and moral ways so he can kick Damon's ass.... since Alaric can't do that anymore. Anyway I'm pissed that they killed him. I am even more pissed that evil Ester made crazy ass vampire Alaric is here. The last person I want to see is evil possessed Alaric running around threatening Damon, Elena, Caroline, and Jeremy. TVD killed him off.... don't torture me with seeing Matt Davis get to play psycho Alaric. I want Mr. Saltzman back dang it.
I really don't want to see Klaus and the wonder twins team up to defeat evil psycho Alaric. If Alaric is going to die, just let him die. Damon should have killed him like he said he would. FML I really don't want to watch the next two episodes.
In tribute I found this:
Click to view
Makes me cry every time.
This is what I am so incredibly not looking forward to:
Click to view
Gross. Can I just have an episode where no crazy plotiness happens and I get some real conversations between characters. I want a Damon and Matt and a Damon and Tyler scene. I want more Alaric and Jeremy crap. I want Stefan and Caroline to talk. I want Bonnie and Elena to actually talk. I want Caroline to have a real convo with Tyler about everything that has happened. I want Damon and Stefan to talk about something besides Elena/Katherine/how Stefan turned him/their dad. Fuck. I want Alaric back.
TV shows should not put you in a bad mood for an entire week.