Your message does not anger me at all. If anything, it's a little awkward, but definitely welcome. I certainly have no problems with you being in my personal life, considering that you're probably the most accepting person in my entire family. As for "being there," I figured that you were busy with your own life and work, as well as with your own group of friends. There's only so much time in a day. And growing apart is only inevitable because of our involvement in our own personal affairs and their influences on us. Interests come and go, and some stay longer than others. Friendship greatly consists of common interests and the priorities of such interests. Perhaps I'm just rambling, but that's my reasoning for why people in our lives are friends, and why most friendships only last for so long. Things come along and alter our paths into different directions, and with our lives, our relationships with other people change.
But that's not to say that we can't still be friends. I saw our friendship as simply being on hiatus, and it did not really give me too much concern.
I see most of my problems as simply being personal issues and the inability to cope with what may be best for me. Perhaps I'm simply content with living minimally, thinking that most of what exists out in the world is at best auxiliary but still unnecessary.
It's very true that much of our success comes from simply our acquaintances and friendships, and considering that I have always been unable to express or introduce myself properly in many situations. I've accepted this, and to avoid the risk of failure (as irrational as it is), I sometimes do not make any effort at all do to anything constructive to my personality.
I'm sorry about this long response, but just know that we're still cool, and have never been close to being on bad terms. On my end, anyway.
Your message does not anger me at all. If anything, it's a little awkward, but definitely welcome. I certainly have no problems with you being in my personal life, considering that you're probably the most accepting person in my entire family. As for "being there," I figured that you were busy with your own life and work, as well as with your own group of friends. There's only so much time in a day. And growing apart is only inevitable because of our involvement in our own personal affairs and their influences on us. Interests come and go, and some stay longer than others. Friendship greatly consists of common interests and the priorities of such interests. Perhaps I'm just rambling, but that's my reasoning for why people in our lives are friends, and why most friendships only last for so long. Things come along and alter our paths into different directions, and with our lives, our relationships with other people change.
But that's not to say that we can't still be friends. I saw our friendship as simply being on hiatus, and it did not really give me too much concern.
I see most of my problems as simply being personal issues and the inability to cope with what may be best for me. Perhaps I'm simply content with living minimally, thinking that most of what exists out in the world is at best auxiliary but still unnecessary.
It's very true that much of our success comes from simply our acquaintances and friendships, and considering that I have always been unable to express or introduce myself properly in many situations. I've accepted this, and to avoid the risk of failure (as irrational as it is), I sometimes do not make any effort at all do to anything constructive to my personality.
I'm sorry about this long response, but just know that we're still cool, and have never been close to being on bad terms. On my end, anyway.
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