Sparktober 2013 Remix Challenge!

Sep 27, 2013 13:08

Say you're an avid writer of Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard fanfic. Or a creator of fanart or wallpapers, or of icons. Or you're a podficcer. Or vidder. Or basically you created anything at all you wanted to about Elizabeth/John.

This is the opt-in post for the sparktober 2013 remix challenge! (And if mylittleredgirl doesn't finish that fic I want to remix, I will be very sad; and attempt to make her feel guilty.)

Ahem. Back on subject, should you wish to offer up your fanworks for remixing, you have two options:

1. Blanket Elizabeth/John remix permission, where you post a comment and give permission for anyone, anywhere to remix any of your Elizabeth/John fanworks in any way. You should also include a link to your archived fanworks, and if you have any way to filter out the others, just leave us the Elizabeth/John stuff.

Here's the template -
[YOUR USERNAME HERE] gives blanket permission for remixing any of the Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard fanworks located at [PASTE URL HERE].

2. Piece-by-piece permission, where you post, one to a comment, the fanworks you are offering up for remix. (This is the one I'm doing, so you'll see examples.)

Here's the template for that -
Secondary Pairings:

Should you wish to be a remixer, it's even more simple than that:

1. Pick something in this post to remix!

2. When completed, post your remix to sparktober, and with a credit to the remixee.

3. It would be awfully nice if you replied to the comment in this post and let the remixee know the compliment you've paid them by remixing their work.

!activities, !remixes

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