Autumn is here, and with it is coming
sparktober! Are you ready for it this year?
I have no amazing graphics, because I have full time work, part time school, and too many obligations on my time. Also, I have limited graphics skills. ALAS. Can anyone help with some Sparky posts to plug our upcoming month of Elizabeth/John shipping shenanigans?
If you've got something you're working on or that you plan to do for Sparktober, please share it here!
mylittleredgirl and I are brainstorming behind the scenes, but let's see what the general Sheppard/Weir fan population is coming up with too.
There will be at least one Elizabeth/John remix challenge. It will be opt-in and has everything nothing to do with the fact that I want to write a remix. So start thinking about whether you have any stories of yours that you'd love to see a remix on. (Or artwork, as a matter of fact. General fanwork inspiration!)