In the beginning was... fic for lyssie!

Sep 30, 2010 23:16


This is a) the greatest thing that anyone has ever done for me, b) the most awesome thing that has probably ever happened to fandom, EVER, and c) an auspicious start to a TOTALLY EPIC SPARKTOBER!

Y'all are amazing. AMAZING. <3

I will have new fic! For real! However, as I was caught unawares, here is nostalg-fic! The first Sparktober story ever (the name "sparktober" was coined a few days later, if I recall)!

2006, October 2nd:

"Field Trip"

Rejoice, LJ! REJOICE! :)

c:elizabeth weir, c:aiden ford, !fanfic, g:1st season, c:john sheppard, g:fluff, !actual sparktober squee

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