SparkyBingo Fics and icons

Oct 11, 2010 18:51

Apologies for the utter fluff in these fics, and if they seem a bit... strange. Other than a request!fic a while ago, I haven't written in the SGA fandom in about three years :)


Icons be here


Title: Magic
Author: Jo. R (driftingatdusk)
Rating: FR-7
Pairing: John/Elizabeth
Summary/Prompt: Written for the 'magic' prompt on my Sparky Bingo card.



Title: Mistaken Matrimony
Author: Jo. R (driftingatdusk)
Rating: FR-7
Pairing: John/Elizabeth
Summary/Prompt: Written for the 'marriage' prompt for my Sparky Bingo card.
Author's Note: Fluffy and weird and I apologise for the way it ends - I couldn't for the life of me think of what else to write.

Mistaken Matrimony

c:elizabeth weir, !fanfic, !bingo, c:john sheppard, !icons, g:fluff

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