[ Name ]: Kimberly
[ Nicknames ]: moose, moshi, kimboly, kimmah, kimmmm, kimmie, flunkie...etc
[ Born in ]: livingston, NJ.
[ Resides in ]: GR, NJ.
[ Good student? ]: Average.
[ Eyes ]: blue
[ Hair ]: red.
[ Shoe size ]: 9? 1/2?.
Last time you..
[ Had a nightmare ]: last night...with those weird dead things
[ Said "I love you" and meant it ]: Whenever i say byebye to my friends
[ Ate at mcdonald's ]: a LONNNNG ass time ago...august?
[ Dyed your hair ]: a month ago?
[ Brushed your hair ]: just now.
[ Washed your hair ]: yesterday.
[ Checked your e-mail ]: 2 days ago
[ Cried ]: when i laughed at pizzahut yesterday...b/c of the lesbian waitress
[ Called someone ]: i called, hmm, steph
[ Smiled ]: just now, when i thot of you (that was a jokery) when i burped
[ Laughed ]: hmmm....like an hour ago....fright night, you gottta love it
Do You...
[ Do drugs? ]: fuckkkkk
[ Have sex? ]: kas;lflasf anal lube anyone?
[ Sleep with stuffed animals? ]: TEDDEH
[ Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? ]: NOPE:(:(:(:( o well....if u dont like it, you can suck it....how do u think i get any action around here?
[ Have a dream that keeps coming back? ]: yessss. and it sux
[ Play an instrument? ]: i strum my violin!
[ Believe there is life on other planets? ]: of course! there must be, i mean, our planet is not THAT unique
[ Remember your first love? ]: yea, back in 4th grade.....NO. havent been
[ Still love him/her? ]:null/void
[ Read the newspaper? ]: when someone i know dies.
[Have any gay or lesbian friends? ]: my parents and sister, and aunts and uncles think so, but he/she hasnt come outta the closet yet
[ Consider love a mistake? ]: fuck you
[ Like the taste of alcohol? ]: hmmm....depends which kind
[ Believe in God? ]: aethism at your service!
[ Pray? ]: nooey
[ Go to church? ]: hells nawh.
[ Have any secrets? ]: we all do...but in this town, its hard to keep them...
[ Have any pets ]: poo-shoes! yesss
[ Talk to strangers who instant message you? ]: sometimes if they arent annoying
[ Wear hats? ]: only when im feeling spunky!
[ Have any piercings? ]: haaaaaa....yes...like 7?
[ Have any tattoos? ]: not yet
[ Hate yourself? ]: ask me again in a week
[ Have an obsession? ]: empire records? uhuh
[ Have a secret crush? ]: umm...dont believe so.
[Collect anything? ]: hairbands? ticket stubs, mardis gras masks....etc
[ Have a best friend? ]: yes....and i love them to death(GAG)
[ Like your handwriting? ]: recently....yerp
[ Have any bad habits? ]: cracking knuckles, neck, wrists, toes, ankles, back....making odd faces....calling my dad farty....
[ Care about looks? ]: no....not usually. just comfort!
[ Boy/girlfriend's looks? ]: nah. not usually
[ Friends and other people? ]: nope....try not to.
[ Believe in witches? ]: fuck yea
[ Believe in Satan? ]: not satan, but other evil-doers....such as those who work at mcdonalds.
[ Believe in ghosts? ]: well, yes, and if YOU dont, come to either my or perris house.....im sure one nighht there will change yur minds.
[ Dress ] atheltic shawts...red tshirt(3s company)
[ Mood ] sore, dry throat, bored....scared of my doors downstairs...theyre closing, i must peeeee
[ Make-up ] black eyeliner, purple eyeshader..
[ Music ] le tigre-whats yur cassavetes?
[ Taste ] no taste at the moment
[ Hair ] up, and curly
[ Annoyance ] the itch on my knee and my soreness from all that hawt sex we've been having.
[ Smell ] gap-dream
[ Think] How much i need to urinate right fucking now
[ Book ] autospy room 4...stiff....grave secrets....pagan book of halloween....BOB TEH BUILDEr(sarcasm)
[ Fingernail Color ] shimmery gray.
[ Refreshment ] diet pepsi
[ Worry ] that i might piss mis pantalones right now
[ Crush ] none....maybe joe(NAWT CODELLA)...not sureeee
[ Favorite Celebrity ] JLos ass
Last Person:
[ You Touched ] shannon
[ You Talked to ] moose
[ You Hugged ] mommy
[ You Instant messaged ] ahahiwantto.
[ You Yelled At ] shannon.
[ You Had A Crush On ] not sure.
[ Who Broke Your Heart ] nada
[ Kissed ] perri on the cheek:)
[ Food ] meatloaf....holler
[ Color ] blue, black, pinkk
[ CD ] Brand New; Deja Entendu. deathcab-transatlanticism
[ Shoes ] my converse
[ Candy ] dont like it, but if i had to pick....milk chocolate.
[ Animal ] SIMBEHHH (stimpey, bunghole....fucker...etc)
[ TV Show ] celebrity polker
[ Movie ] Empire Records...fright night made me laugh....
[ Song ] nawt sure. ne thing br Bn, dashy, deathcab, the strokes...etc
[ Vegetable ]corn, brocoli
[ Fruit ] blueberries.mango
[ Cartoon ] family guy, ren n stimpey, dora the explorer(once again, sarcasm)
and this shall conclude shitty pieces of lame quizzes.