Jun 15, 2010 19:09
I keep coming to realizations I'm fairly certain I've realized before. Could be déjà vu, could be a poor memory, or other things.
This particular one goes like this:
I don't have a life, as most people I deal with understand it or care.
I have several lives. About half of them are online, and the rest on various other fictional worlds; each of which is only tangentially related to this one because of the connecting point of Me in the local meatspace.
None of this particularly bothers me.
I don't care about this life, except insofar as it allows me to continue the other ones I have. This will bother some people...or it would, if I let it be generally known. I'll let them know if they ask, but I won't be broadcasting the information (other than here, anyway) to everyone around me.