"I am an Arms dealer..."

Apr 08, 2007 23:50

So im finally in here. The new house with kim, jenny and eventually tracey. family and justin came on sat. and moved most of it. but now its just 2 roooms packed with shit in boxes and what not. ive decided tommorow will be dedicated to moving in and getting the rest of my things from the apartment. i was thinking about it today and god it still makes me so fuckin angry to think stephanie just got away with fuckin calling my mom a stupid bitch and acting like a fuckin bi polar pyscho. i mean yeah everyone admits thats what shes like and alot dont like her but...my god shes still out there. lol. u know? who lets these fuckin pyschos out to roam the earth of their own free will with their ugly fat ass (i rarley use the word fat to describe a person, very against it) boyfreinds and who are forcing ppl out of there fuckin apartments. whatever. i try not to be an angry person but just picture her ugly, bitchy fat ass face makes me so pissed!!!! ah. seriously. omg...feels good to write it out somewhere.i hope i get to pumch her in the face real good onmeday. even if that meant all her older sisters turning agsint me...oh i dont care it be so worth it. oh well..its done. neways, grr...so this easter was good and bad. the bad need not be discussed. but fri. was good just hung out with my new roomies and watched black x mas, was fun and painted room. also justin was in concord for the night. i missed him and.. my lovely period moods have started so ive been feeling weepy for the last 3 nights randomly and got pissed at justin on friday cause his phone shut off so i assumed he was drunk and hung me. he thought i was crzy the nest day when i told him. sat. the brothers and mom and dad plus jutin came moved me in, went home late sat night. steph joined the tankoos for easter lunch at the elephant bar. was good. she loves being with the family, not only cause weve known eachother since grade school byt because everyone sits there and makes fun if me. "remember dark star.." "fuck u stephanie" lol. justin came over tonight. ive been feeling fat and nasty, the weight losing starts tommorow. i wanna have some vast improvement by formal on the 20th. i will. so much is coming up, fuckin exams and then the chapter excelence book. next yr. it ll look awesome but this yr, i was just totally unprepared and didnt k now what i was getting into. im watching that show on e channel with the gorgeous playboy models, the girl next door and i keep wondering...why dont they just answer the questin were all wonering when we watch the show...whats the sleeping situation? are they all still doing hef and how do they feel about that? lol ...i am an arms dealer...
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