He said no. of course. this news comes a lil late on here but i havent been much in the mood to be online. cant say i deserved him to give us another chance because i didnt. i treated him like shit sometimes and i honestly dont know why. i honestly beleive we make the mistakes of our ex's and bring them to the next relationship. I'm use to assholes
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I guess in this huge ramble I want you to realize that in this free time, get to know yourself better and keep looking around. Shit, you're making some pretty sweet changes. Just make sure you're making them for yourself and not for him. Right now, I'm reteaching myself how to play the piano, looking for charity work, changed the direction and focus of my career, and (get this) I'm trying to figure out how to join an adult indoor soccer league. BOOYA. As long as I keep in mind...this isn't for him...this is ALL for me.
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