:( Stevie :(

Sep 05, 2006 22:43

Steve Irwin died yesterday. I found out in Chemistry class and I didn't actually believe it...I thought it was just one of those nasty rumours. It's actually really sad news...I'm still quite sad thinking about it...he was just one of those people that we all kinda thought would live forever. I really liked him :( But even if you didn't, he was still actually doing wonderful, amazing work for our environment - he informed millions of people about the fragility of our ecosystem and the harms subjected to it...he donated SO much money - as well as his whole life - into helping our planet.
I still can't believe he's gone.
I think the thing I find the saddest is the fact that he had two little babies...about two weeks ago in the newspaper there was an article about celebrity fathers with interviews from their daughters about their dads. Steve Irwin's oldest daughter (around 4) was interviewed and she talked about how much she loved her dad and what a good father he was :'(

It really is very tragic.
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