hi, i'm in the viscom computer lab right now waiting for a scanner. the World Trade Organization talks in cancun, mexico have failed, check out
http://cancun.mediosindependientes.org/ for more info. some of the highlights... all wimmin group tearing down a part of the fence! developing nations walking out on the talks! beautiful puppets! plus more
also, there was a little sit-in/lockdown at our universities prez's office, check out www.athensmessenger.com maybe? or the post's website or the athens news's web site for more info. i should be posting more info too.
i had a headache earlier today (at the paw-paw festival) but i feel much better now. except that i'm in a computer lab. also my parents mailed me stuff i forgot at home which included tragedy's first LP, which i missed very much.
i also made myself a cute necklace at the paw-paw festival, it has a circle A on it, how effin original
-oscar de la paw-paw