movie conundrum

Jul 14, 2008 21:13

I've had a scene from a movie running through my head for the last week. Except all I can remember is the gist of the dialogue (well, one person's lines). Help?

It goes like this: Older person (middle-aged? I think male? maybe female though) is speaking emphatically to (probably) younger person. In my head that person is gesticulating emphatically. "You think you're standing at the start of something big? Well (I'm sorry, but) you are."

And like I said, that's just the gist. I think the context is that the younger person is resenting the changes that are going on in his/her life and the responsibilities he/she is about to have to shoulder. The general feel of it is, the reason you feel that way is that it's true you're about to be asked to do big things, and you're just gonna have to grow up and do them. I can't remember if the "I'm sorry, but" is actually spoken or just a feeling I got from the tone of voice.

I'd guess it's a movie made sometime between the mid-1980s and mid-2000s, I'm sure it's in color, pretty sure it's a drama. I tend to go for character-driven movies and I'm a great big huge sucker for school movies, so it might be a lesser-known one of those (I mean, it's not _Mr. Holland's Opus_ or _Akeelah and the Bee_ or _Lean on Me_).


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