So the way it works (at least, the way I'm choosing to pass it on) is:
1. The icon at the top of the post is *my* favorite icon.
2. Below are
scottishgirl and
pne's favorites of my icons.
3. Comment telling me what your favorite of my icons is.
4. I'll reply telling you what my favorite of your icons is.
5. Pass it on.
The icon above was made for
heroes_ic and, obviously, is from "Heroes." It's at the moment that Matt (a police officer whose marriage is falling apart and who keeps failing the detective exam) first discovers his power (telepathy) and uses it to find a little girl who's hiding after her parents were killed. I love the mix of being glad he finally was able to do something right and "What the fuck is going on here?" And I like the way I cropped and edited the screenshot.
And if you ask me tomorrow, I'll probably have another favorite; I could probably pick 10-15 that I absolutely love.
scottishgirl's favorite:
This is the actual text of a poster they put up in the Domestic Violence office of the court I used to work in. The Spanish word "llama" does mean both "flame" (from the Latin) and "llama" (from the Quechua) but to see it used with "salir" (to leave, to exit) made me picture the latter instead of the former.
pne's favorite:
It's always been one of my favorites, too; it's the oldest one I'm still using. I took it about four years ago. Basically I was sitting on the couch (there was a pillow on the back of it, that's what the flowers are) and playing with the very cheap digital camera my mom had given me for Christmas and its video function. I took a frame capture and ... that's it, really. It's been re-sized obviously, but no cropping or re-touching or anything. So now y'all know my natural hair color.