Oct 02, 2004 15:40
first: today i almost left my house with retainers still in my mouth. thanks, adam.
i'm tired and have no energy to do anything productive today. even though i really should clean, read, alter some shirts or go grocery shopping. but nah, i'm just going to sit around and feel like a big lazy log. i want amanda to come home so we can sit around together and i won't feel so terrible about it.
the other day i got an email from my friend, alex, from england. she's nuts and i miss her and i miss england, which is strange. i often think that i didn't treasure my time there enough. don't get me wrong, i really enjoyed it but i was nervous and homesick a lot. i feel like if i did a semester abroad now, i would have a much different attitude. but i guess that's really easy to say after the fact.
there's more adventures in store though. anne and i have been talking about next year and our plans to move to brooklyn. we're thinking a small one bedroom type of thing that we can be creative with and split. anne and i can make anything work. but now that i have the location down, i have to think about grad school, job, what i'm going to do with my life. and that absolutely terrifies me.
i looked at the grad programs at brooklyn college today, with anne's support, and got completely overwhelmed by it all. i just don't know. part of me feels like i need a year to relax, get some lame job, and just figure things out. it's the easiest option, also. the least scary is usually my choice. but sometimes scary can equal new and exciting so i just don't know.
i'm sure everything will work out. or at least that's what i keep telling myself.
ah, it's almost 4 and i've done nothing with my day. sometimes that's nice but today i'm just bored with this town.
time for a change.