Tutorial Requested by
Resize your picture to it will fit into a 100x100 icon without touching any sides.
I tend to change it so my height is anywhere from 60px to 80px.
It's up to you how big you want it to be.
Use your pen tool and trace around your image using
these settings Once you have finished tracing, right click on your image and select
Make Selection and copy.
Create a new image 100x100 in size and paste your selection in the image.
I them put a paper texture by
daughterofsnape behind Frank.
Then on top of all the other layers I put a text layer.The font I use was Marker Monkey FW.
For the font effect I selected
Outer Glow using
these settings. The color is #ffffbe.
Then you're done!
I don't know how good of a job I did explaining, I'm running low on concentration right now.
No Psd this time, I don't think you really need it for something so simple.