Not by a long shot?

Aug 11, 2013 18:28

The fight for Women's Rights is not over.

I just came back from the movie Elysium. It was terrible. However, none of that made me as angry as the comment I heard after the movie from one of the people I saw it with. They said “movies have to have women in them now, because of our culture”. I had a little difficulty understanding what they were getting at. So I asked “You mean you feel movies have to have female characters now even if it comes as a sacrifice to part of the story to appeal to our culture?”. They replied “Yes”.

This was a bit of a continuation on the argument from the previous week about women's roles in general. I was taught growing up to use the word ACTOR regardless of the gender difference. I don't remember when this came about. I thought it was in an English class but I could be mistaken. The question that came up is it worse to have the job title be genderless or is it better because it emphasizes the strength of gender in that role.

We got into sports a bit as well. I heard things like “men are simply stronger” and “they are more entertaining to watch” they are simply built physically better for the sports and it is no fault of theirs”. In particular the sports picked to make this argument about were basketball, football and baseball.

I'm irritated and frustrated.

To me, Elysium is not an example of including females in roles to appeal to our culture. It had two female characters - one was an evil, manipulative self-serving power hungry terrorist willing to sacrifice and use other people to protect her lifestyle. The second was a mother who could do virtually nothing to protect and save her daughter other than asking a man to help. No feminist in their right mind would fight for these female roles in a movie.

Men are not more entertaining to watch just because more people watch them playing sports. Still, I feel like I'm not going to make good ground based on these arguments.

I said long ago that I think racism will disappear long before sexism because there are inherent differences between sexes and there aren't necessarily between different cultures. How do you fight sexism? How do you work towards equality and respect for both genders?
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