
May 30, 2007 14:00

Well, now. Camp Sparkle is done but far from forgotten, and nopseud and I have been investigating possibilities for next time round. You are all coming back, yes?

All sorts of questions come up... so settle in for a little poll-taking and commenting.

One thing that we've noticed is that price-wise, it wouldn't cost us a whole heap more to go somewhere for a week instead of just the weekend. So we've been wondering whether there'd be any interest in a week-long event? We could make the weekend the official Camp Sparkle, but some of you-particularly those who're coming some distance-could then stay on in happy, sparkly company, and maybe do a bit more of the tourist thing, as well as prolonging the squee.

Another matter is the possible date for the next Camp. I seem to recall that there were quite a few people who were either at university or at any rate involved with universities, who might find it handier to attend if we hold it during the Easter period - although not *at* Easter, because that sends the price right up. We've found some very pretty places which are affordable in, say, November or February, but a bit too pricey when it gets to April. So, your preferences as to the date?

Another thing we're considering is, should we go back to Little Brampton, or should we go somewhere else?

My initial feeling was that although the cottage was lovely, we ought not to try to recreate the same experience by going back there-better to find somewhere quite different (and for preference, somewhere not entirely off the beaten track so that those who need to get there via public transport have a sporting chance of being able to do so).

However, Little Brampton cottage was in many respects exactly what we needed, and we'd have the advantage of knowing just what we were getting if we went back.

Poll Camp Sparkle: The Remix

I should at this point probably add a disclaimer to the effect that nopseud and I are not necessarily looking to make decisions based on any or all of the above, at least not yet. All sorts of trade-offs may need to be considered... like, if we ended up with an expected attendance of around thirty, for instance, we'd *have* to find a different venue, or if quite a few people wanted to stay for the full week, public transport access would become more crucial, as a minibus would be impractical.

But we would like to start getting an idea of what we're dealing with.

Camp Sparkle! Yay!

camp sparkle 2008

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