May 01, 2006 18:32
I'm going to try this
saba i dont know how you finished but here goes:
random things you like
01) cuddling
02) my friends
03) doggies
04) fruity snacks
05) ryan king
06) emile hirsch
07) super nintendo
08) skateboarding
09) being awesome
10) getting crunk
11) painting
12) being a bitch to ms. karyadi
13) sleeping
7 things about you... physically
01) I have blonde hair
02) I have blue eyes
03) I have my belly button peirced
04) I'm a phat ass
05) I have long hair
06) im fucking ghetto
07) I try to take care of myself
8 favorite drinks
01) well the obvious... vodka
02) water
03) horchata
04) Coffee
05) hot chocolate
06) tea
07) iced coffee
08) ramune
7 things you wear daily
01) an undershirt
02) underware
03) shoes
04) socks
05) pants
06) a smile
07) a shirt
6 things that annoy you
01) not having fruity snacks
02) really sexy guys with girlfriends
03) not cuddling
04) being at my dads house
05) Being poor
06) television
5 things you touch everyday
01) my hairbrush
02) my dog
03) heroin
04) food
05) fruity snacks
4 shows you watch
01) n/a
02) n/a
03) n/a
04) n/a
3 celebrities you have a crush on
01) emile hirsch
02) emile hirsch
03) emile hirsch
Name: Michelle
Age: 14
Birth date: june 28th
Birthplace: santa monica
Current Location: Brentwood and Santa Monica
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: blonde
Height: 5'3
Righty or Lefty: righty
Sign: cancer
Marital Status: Single
Nicknames: whatevs
Siblings: my brother, ian
What did u do yesterday? oh fuck yeah good question, first i was in a soccer tournament then i chilled with alec and ate fruity snacks
What are you doing tomorrow? school and eating fruity snacks playing super nintendo
What are you listening to? Holy Calamity- handsome boy modeling school
What country would you most like to visit?: bali
What are you most afraid of?: rejection
What are you wearing? clothes
What are you thinking about right now? cuddling with my dog
If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: macaroni colored
One pillow or two, cotton or feather?: feather
How do you eat a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup?: how am i supposed to remember that
Understanding?: yeah
Arrogant?: i try not to be
Insecure?: no
Interesting?: yes
Friendly?: yes
Smart?: Yes
Moody?: yes
Childish?: i can be
Independent?: very
Emotionally Stable?: yes
Shy? No
Attractive?: no
Bored Easily?: no
Sad?: no
Obsessive?: no
Obsessive compulsive?: no
Psycho?: no
Your heritage?: british/ austrailian
Your weakness?: sexy guys
Your fears?: rejection
Your perfect pizza?: why do survey's ask this, bbq chicken
Your current Mood?: happy
Your current Music?: coin operated boy- drescend dolls
Your current Taste?: gum
Your current Hair?: braid- brianna did it and im lazy to take it out
Your current Smell: inscense
Your current Favorite Celebrity: Emile hirsch
Your most overused phrase on AIM/AOL/MN: OMGWTFBBQ its to long to type though i just wanted a reason to use it
The worst song you ever heard: if it was horrible i wouldnt listen to it
The last thing you ate?: oh umm a strawberry shortcake ice cream thing
The last thing you said?: o m g doggie you are so precious lets cuddle wuffykins i adore you so much omg omg omg
The best song you ever heard?: anything by jimi hendrix
The shoes you wore today?: vans
The most embarrassing thing you've done? i dont know
Your room is like?: eclectic
Goal you'd like to achieve?: ehh
Fallen for your best friend?: no
Done something you regret?: yes
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: no
Smoked?: yes
Broken the law?: yes
Broken a bone? no
Cheated on a test?: yes
Played truth or dare?: yes
Flashed someone?: no
Mooned someone?: yes
Kissed someone you didn't know?: well i talked to him that night...
Been in a physical fight?: yes
Ridden in a police car?: no
Been on a plane?: yes
Come close to dying?: yes
Been in a sauna?: yes
Been in a hot tub?: yes
Swam in the ocean?: yes
Done illegal drugs?: yes
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated?: yes
Been called a tease?: no
Gotten beaten up?: yes
Considered a life of crime?: yes
You talked to in person?: my dad
You talked to on the phone?: julie
You instant messaged?: josh
You had lunch with?: gage micheal and nick
Who broke your heart? no one ever has
You had physical contact with? my dog
Color your hair?: no
Have tattoos? no
Have Piercings?: yes
Floss daily? i try
Own a web cam?: no
Ever get off the darn computer?: yes
Like Parks?: Yes
Like school?: no
Collect anything?: no
Work?: no
Like shopping?: yes
Party?: yes
Smoke?: not often
Sing?: no
Have a crush?: yes
Do you think you've been in love?: no
Want to go to college?: yes
Like high school?: yes
Want to get married?: yes
Do you have a lava lamp?: no
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: no
Pepsi or Coke: niether
McDonald's or Burger King: neither
Single or group dates: single
Adidas or Nike: adidas
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: nestea
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
Cappuccino or coffee: coffee
Chicken or fish: chicken
Boxers or Briefs: boxers
TV or Movies: movies
Dogs or Cats: dogs
Half empty or half full: half full
Made Out?: no
Gone on a date?: no
Gone to the mall?: yes
Made homemade cookies?: yes
Dyed your hair?: no
Stolen anything?: no
Aliens? yes
Angels? no
Heaven? no
Hell? no
God? no
Yourself? yes
Ghosts? yes
Love? yes
Love at first sight? yes
The tooth fairy?: no
Santa Claus?: no
The Easter Bunny?: no
Where do you want to go to college? party school
What do you want to be when you grow up? archietecht
Where do you want to get married? havent decided
Do you want to have a small or big wedding? small
Where do you want to go on your honeymoon? bali
Do you want to have children? Yes
How many children do you want to have? a lot
What do you want to name them? ill think of it later
Where do you want to live? somewhere exotic
Was this survey worth your time? yes
wow i finished everyone better read this