Feb 06, 2006 12:48
Woohoo, I got my worst evaluation EVER on Friday. I read it today and it doesn't even make me upset or really mad. Literally I was just like "What an idiot." And I hate to sound all psychological but he's completely blaming me for his own stupidity and inadequacies. So in his evaluation he said
she really didnt listen to me or even help me out. also she gave me wrong information which would have hurt my grade if i did not check it. i would never use her again
So his paper was analysis of an argument. I read his paper and then really just couldn't finish reading it. It was all summary and he told me his professor said he needed to work on analysis. I read most of the paper and skimmed the rest because it was so bad. So after I read it I told him how in analysis papers you have to focus on elements of the article you're reading - like tone, word choice, diction, audience, etc. whatever, and evaluate if these elements were used effectively in the context of the argument... He cut me off and said he didn't want to hear theory because his paper was due at 5 pm (It was 1 ish that we met?) I said Ok and that his professor was right and mostly he needed to work on analysis. I told him what elements he could talk about, what he could say, he said ok. I asked if he had any questions and he asked about his citations. I corrected one and then everything else was ok. I then asked again if he had any more questions. He had none.
Ok seriously, he's an idiot who is just upset that he sucks at life. Ok I listened to you. I asked if you had questions multiple occasions, I helped you as much as I could. If your assignment was indeed not the generic analysis of the argument assignment (which is what I assume he meant by wrong information, although I doubt it was the wrong information) then it is not MY fault because you never showed me a DAMN ASSIGNMENT sheet. I am not a mind reader or the be all end all authority on papers. It's your damn paper, it is not my fault you are an idiot. Also I'd like to fill out an evaluation for him and say he did not LISTEN to me, he was rudely eatng a cookie during the entire consultation and I would never see him again because he is delusional. And I also don't see how I gave him the wrong information when I basically echoed his professor's comments because they were all RIGHT.
So anywho. I shall continue onto my Friday.
I worked and had school. In the afternoon (after I SAW THE DEVIL FROM ABOVE) Kat came in for a consultation. She went to sit on the couch and was like ummmmm.. because there was a reddish brown wetness stain on the couch. EW. Rusty came and disinfected but I will never sit on that couch again. MENSTRUAL BLOOD AND PEE ON COUCH. ICK and vom. Rusty was like "Umm I'm working at a college so I won't have to DO stuff like this." Seriously.. someone peed on the couch. SERIOUSLY. I can't even believe it.
Seminar was slightly ok. We had a mini party for Rusty being accepted into the Ph.D program with cake and soda. I was hoping he wouldn't make us work but of course, he did. At least Anastasia came!
After work I got on the bus and some guy sang to someone on the phone really loudly about taking their clothes off. I was trying not to cry. Later on he talked to everyone about gaucho pants and how "they eat your ass." I thought he was crazy but everyone else loved him. They were like "RIDE ALWAYS WITH US!!"
I picked up Bridget and that is when TJ started calling me 500 times a minute. I told him we'd call him when we were leaving. He said ok. Then he called back again. And then about 5 more times while Bridget and I were getting ready. In one coversation he told me he had just run into Omar -- I was like "Wait.. Omar?? THE GUY WHO THREATENED TO KICK MY ASS LATER FOR TOUCHING HIS SHOE!?" AND it was. And TJ might move in with him. AHH! hahaha. I called Michael and said "So TJ just called me.. guess who he might be living with??" He didn't know and I said "OMAR!! THE GUY WHO THREATENED TO KICK MY ASS LATER FOR TOUCHING HIS SHOE!!" hahahahaha. And Michael died. Ever since I told him that story he and I have been using that expression. One day Jesse used it and Michael was like "Umm why did you STEAL our phrase??" And Jesse was like "umm... WHAT?" hahaha. So I talked to Michael some more and he asked what I was doing. I told him Bridget, TJ, and I were going to PI. I invited him to come but he said he was going the next day for his birthday and he didn't want to go two days in a row but that I must come to his bday thing. I said OK. And then I said I had his present and a refridgerated item for him and I could give it to him the next day or just drop it by on the way. We decided we'd drop it off on the way to PI.
So TJ called 500 more times and each time we talked he was more intoxicated. And impossible to get off the phone with. hahaha. I was enjoying talking to him but we'd get to an ending point and I'd say "So I'll call you when we leave Michael's.." and he'd say ok and then start talking about MORE things. Bridget kept laughing because I said I'd call him after we left Michael's about 500000 times.
We got to Michael's and I introduced Bridget and him. He told me I looked pretty and liked my eye makeup which Bridget had done. Bridget later told me she thought he was gay because he was too nice to me to be straight. hahaha. We hung out and watched a bit of a crime show and talked about STUCKY BOTRUS. hahaha. Michael asked if we were staying and I told him we could not. I know, I know, I'm awesome and no one wants me to leave! hahaha he also told us this scary story about his friend who was on a bus and this black dude next to her turned to her and said "HEY! CAN I FUCK YOU WHITE GIRL?" Michael said it like 5 times and it was frightening. hahahaha.
I left my phone in the car to charge and while were in inside I had missed 6 calls from TJ. And 2 from my mom. I called TJ back and told him we'd be there really soon. I called my mom and literally spoke to her for 2 minutes when TJ called AGAIN. He was like "WHERE ARE YOU??" I was like "UM I'M STILL ON I-4.. WHERE I WAS WHEN I TALKED TO YOU 2 SECONDS AGO!!" He was like ALMOST crying and wanted us to meet him at McDonalds really bad. I was like OK WE WILL BE THERE SOON! And then he called me like 2 MORE times before we got there.
Finally we got there. I parked and Bridget and I drank a bit. We needed chaser for the goldschlagger so we decided to get someone once we got to Mcdonald's. It took FOREVER to walk there and finally we got there and could not find TJ. I called him and he said he was by the Hamburgler.. which I think he made up because I NEVER saw a Hamburlger. We finally found him and he was SOOOOOOO messed up. hahahaha. Some girl in a plaid skirt walked by and his eyes followed her. I said "She's too young, STOP IT." I went to the bathroom and someone screamed bloody murder. Then I came out of the stall and the girl in the plaid kissed some other girl. I was like "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?" Then the girl in the plaid was like "You were bit by a bitch." I felt like I was on drugs.
We walked back to my car and Bridget and I stole TJ's soda and used it as a chaser. TJ almost vommed because he smelled goldschlagger and he hates it. I had trouble getting him into my car and then back out of it. Afterward we were finally ready to go to PI. We walked there and TJ stopped along the way to talk to Stacey on the phone. I shouted to her that TJ liked her and they should date and he said she was the female version of him. Then he would NOT get off the phone so Bridget and I stared him down and he was like "Umm they are staring at me, I have to go." We also saw these young girls and I said "Don't look at them, they are 14." TJ said "They look 4!" And since he was not being quiet they heard him. They were like "WE'RE 14!" And one shouted she was 17. TJ then tried to go after them but I made him stop because he did not need to be hanging out with 14 year olds.
From there we went into the clubs. And then it got more interesting, scary, angry, and druglike! I have to go to work now, but the rest will come later.