Sep 19, 2005 10:05
Hey ya'll whats crackin?
It's been a while since i've updated..once again. I've been busy, as usual.
This weekend i finally made it up to Tampa to hang out with my bestest! She came back to btown fri with brad and then rode up with me sat. morning. We hung out all day sat., did some math, took some pictures, watched some sex and the city, went shopping, hit up publix..midnight volleyball and 1am movie..i ended up passing out about 1:30 though because I'm not on school time anymore hehe. I'm a workin girl lol. Sunday we woke up, she made me panacakes and we hung out til brad got back. I headed home about 12:30 and went straight to home depot to see my stud =) It was really cool hanging out with kmb this weekend and meet some of her new's been a while since we've had a sleepover =) hehe. It made me realize how much i miss her and miss our old friendship. We are stil best friends but i miss the old days too.
I think i grow more in love every single day. I have never in my life been this way..its such a weird feeling to always want to be with someone. he is always on my mind and i constantly think about him..<3 it was weird being away from him sat. night but we survived. Last night we snuggled and watched fever pitch which was cute, oh, and got ice cream =) hehe.. We just had our 6 months anniversary it's crazy to think its been that long already. I see good things for us..and many more anniversaries. We get in fights just like any other couple but usually its over stupid stuff, and its my fault..I couldn't possibly be more in love with anybody else in the world. He is my dream come true.
Other updates..i'm still going to the gym like 4-5 days a week. I've lost a total of 15lbs and i'm still going. I start working out with a trainer on Thurs. 2 days a week for 3 weeks. I have about 15 more to go..My clothes are getting big and it really feels great. I've learned that i can indulge once in a while and still lose the weight. Its hard just to give up everything thats good and people who do that usually end up giving up. Matt has been a great support team and always tells me how great i look. Its been good thus far, just a little more to go. My goal is size 7 hopefuly by christmas..eeek . HB and calla have been so awesome! They are the best workout buddies i could have hoped for and they are motivating as well. I'll keep yah posted on the weight loss..heh
Nothing much else going is same ole same ole. Matt and i are planning a weekend in tampa to go to howl-o-screams and we got a hotel and stuff. i'm really excited about that. Oct. also has a Nopi car show which will be bad ass. Oct. should bring good things.
So i started working on my "my space" account..i know NOTHING about that thing and if someone would help me make my page look nice i would appreciate it =) any help is appreciated...soo...HELP! lol.
Alrighty, i think i'm out for now. Leave me some comments biotches!
xoxo sammy jo