Nov 29, 2004 14:46
okay so on Saturday i stayed up until somewhere around one in the morning journaling anf then Sam calls me at ten the next morning to tell me to get ready because we are going to the city. so, i very obedenitaly do as i'm told, for this is New York City that we are talking about and it's not like i get to go there every day. blah blah blah. we aren't going to the city, instead we are going to Willowbrooke, because Sam obviously said so. i went over Sam's so a little while and talked to her kitty that very obviously likes me WAY better than her, because he hides under her bed everytime she comes in the room. btu with me on the other hand, he was comming out and purring and letting me pet him, but as soon as Sam came back in he was back under the bed. Goodness Sam, you'll never be as good with cats as i am, so just get over it. the ride to the mall was kind of crazy, kind of cool. i've learned that Sam's mom drives kind of crazy-like, but it could've just been the ultra slippery seats, who knows?
so, we got to the mall and hung around for a little while and i looked around in the stores that Sam and Ryan refused to go in while they went off and looked at videogames, bah. well, somehow we ended up in the arcade watching this guy play DDR and he was really good and i have a tendance to become hypnotised by people that can do it really well, so i watched him for a while. then, while we were leaving the arcade this li8ke 45-year-old guy passed us on his way in and he gave me this creepy look. ahhh. later when me and Sam and Ryan were all sitting on a bench in the middle of the mall like all the cool kids do, this other equally disgusting guy gave me almost the same look. oh gross, i was informed that like 80% of the old gross guys that look at me like that want to have some form of sex with me, because i'm just so cute. umm, that's kind of creepy considering that i'm like jailbait and a half. but i guess it's okay, they can look, but not touch. urgg, pedophiles are kind of weird. but whatever, i guess it's cool that old gross men want to have sex with me, that's nice...
haha also while sitting on that oh so cool bench i was informed that i look like some porn star...hahaha, not that i look like a porn star..just that i looked like someone that just so happens to be one. i'm not sure, is that flattering or just weird?..oh well.
we did the coolest thing ever yesterday, but i don't want to put what it was...i just want to remember it, but it was so nice. thank god for Ryan's holiday spirit!
then we went to the food court and ate and Ryan and i talked about highschool. Ryan is offically the protective brother that i've never had, goodness i'm going to give him a heartattack next year. so he forbide me from dating until college i think, bah.
yeah, so after that i had to go straight to play practice and i was really tired and hungry, but all turned out well. goodness, i LOVE everyone in the play; bekah, joey, kate, jamila, casey, pierce, erin, ashley, josiah, JULIE, and jason (even though he beats me up and i cry. he is so god damn CUTE). haha bekah makes me laugh so much..she was do her lines last night and then out of now where, like under her breath, she goes "i know my lines" orsomething liekt hat to Jamila. haha she had just been so cheery doing her lines and then she got so menacing, god do i love that girl. and joey, haha we recite people's lines for the opemning scene up until we get called out, but we'll be like kidding around and he puts on his mean face and walks out..all in the matter of 2 seconds.. and god damnit i feel like an afgani, bwhahaha...i hope they all aren't eating sandwhichs on opening night. god he is so hilarious, i love that kid. well, everything yesterday went really well and i hope i cando more plays with bekah and joey, that would make my day and a half..yay
today was okay. i didn't sleep at all last night because i was up journaling...bah and now i have a majillion essays and shit due for the kenmeister this week, couldn't she have picked a more convenient week to make ll of this due?!? i mean seriously,i have no time this week for random shit...BAH!!!
well, i think i'm going to go to sleep now. and then i have play practice again tonight, because it is TECH week bitches..which means i get to see my lovelies everyday this week..YAY, but it also means that the show is almost over. i'm going to be so sad when it is, god i love these people..tear..okay i'll be screwed with my homework later maybe..right now i need to sleep..