
Mar 26, 2007 12:47

Welcome to sparklyglee.

This community was created when vaudevilles and I started to talk about happyfic. We both love the pop community. We love the sparkly boys, we love the stories, we love the writers that provide us with such wonderful stuff to read.

We figured there can never be enough happyfic. Those stories that make you grin as you read, the ones where you clutch at your heart with joy.

We want our sparkly men to be happy. Therefore, sparklyglee!

You'll have noticed that I said the pop community above. This is because this comm is all inclusive, meaning slash, gen and het. Obviously there's more slash, but we want you to feel free to ask for pophet too. We're here for the happy, whatever form that takes.

vaudevilles has done a wonderful job creating this comm, and I hope you'll all like it here too. There will be an official prompt post very soon, so go read the rules and think what you want to see.

This will only work if we have your help. Your prompts, your skill in writing stories. So let's work together to make July happy.
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