Kitty and Non-CLAMP fandom rambling

Jan 28, 2009 19:00

Pom is staying overnight at the vet's, after being spayed. Yay, no kitten grandma-ness for me! I miss her, though, which is weird. I'm not used to leaving my pets overnight somewhere else--even when visiting my sisters, I missed my furry infuriating children. Anyway. Pom will be coming home tomorrow morning, and she'll probably hate me for a few days/weeks, but it's necessary, so.

I'm working, slowly but surely, on my Dr. Horrible fic. I really should be focusing on my gift fics, and I will, later this week. But this is what I wanted to write today, so I'm running with it. Right now all I'm getting down are scenes--like Penny mediating between Billy and Captain Hammer, and frozen yogurt, and lasagna, and first names, and remaining evil (the last bit I want to make sure I write down tonight). Maybe I'll get some stuff done on my giftfics tonight, after all. I'm listening to Ani D., so that makes anything possible.
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