Works in Progress, or, Holy Shit, I'm Posting About Fandom!

Jan 26, 2009 16:06

With Pretentious Caps, Even!

Okay. This is just a status post, to give myself a measure of direction.

In the xxxHolic/CLAMP fandom, I have:

*Three giftfics, all in progress, for anyjen, iambickilometer, and sillyangelfaery. I have the most written, and am the closest to being done, on Iambic's fic, but I think if I crunched I could probably finish the other two in a few weeks. ( Read more... )

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Comments 30

iambickilometer January 27 2009, 02:32:16 UTC
I am in awe of your ability to organise all your writing endeavours like this. And your willingness to share projects you haven't got far in. And, well, the sheer quantity of ideas you've got here.

I'm hopefully going to write you that Doctor Doctor piece soon, but I've been pretty far out of Holic fandom these days. Still. I shall definitely try, as I recall having Ideas for that 'verse. :D



sparklyfanta January 27 2009, 03:25:40 UTC
Ahaha, being a geek with too much time on her hands and a need for escapism will do that. :) And if I share my projects, I can get some early feedback on them, which can correct problems that might crop up and give my ego some much needed stroking.

Ooh, yay! I don't mind waiting, and I understand about drifting between fandoms. Right now, if I had the creative juice, I'd be writing the Dr. Horrible fic and the Dresden/Odd Thomas fic, for sure, but I have other obligations.

Which brings me to YES DR. HORRIBLE FIC XD


anyjen January 27 2009, 05:45:20 UTC
...that sounds like a lot of fics to be working on. O___O

er? me? list my own in-progress stuff? *takes a look at her "fanfic" folder and shudders* not sure if I wanna. ^^U

So you need research material on transvestites in Japan?

see if this link helps you:

It's about homosexuality in general in Japan, with some mentions to transvestites, but be warned that it's not worksafe, for images of definitely phallic quality.

If you want to know more about transvestites specifically, try researching with the words "okama" or "new half" ...though I really don't think I could stomach Doumeki going quite that far just to wear a skirt. >_< (research what "new half" means and you will know why I say this)


sparklyfanta January 27 2009, 15:03:40 UTC
Most of them are ones I work on as I feel like it. The only ones I'm really feeling pressured to finish are the gift fics, and that's because they were supposed to be done a month ago. ^^;

If you list them all out, you can narrow it down to the ones you want to focus on, and put the others aside for another time--or, as I've done, looked at them and decided which might need to be abandoned or adopted out to someone else.

Hey, thanks! I'll have to check that link out. And I think it's mostly just going to be wearing the women's clothes with a pair of fake boobs, like any good drag queen. <--watched Kinky Boots not too long ago, yeah.


anyjen January 27 2009, 15:18:04 UTC
It leads to some serious research paper. It's a very long and information-heavy article, but it really paints a good (if bleak) picture of how male (mostly) homosexuals live in nowaday's Japan (it also mentions a little bit of their history in passing).

The thing is, I've tried doing that... but my muses seem to scorn any and every attempt at order and refuse to get to work on what I tell them to. I may abandon a piece for months, and suddenly I'll be able to finish it, or I'll suddenly have a new story pop up in my mind and be able to write it down in one sitting. Darn fickle muses...

Good choice. Nowadays there are very good fake boobs available for purchase... they even bounce naturally and all! (now we'll see if Watanuki's mind can survive transvestite!Doumeki wearing a very good pair of fake boobs. XD)
Just don't ask me how I know. XD
Uh, "Kinky Boots"? Haven't heard of it...


sparklyfanta January 27 2009, 15:31:32 UTC
I'm not surprised it'll be bleak. But this is fanfic, I don't have to keep it bleak.

Eh, well, my muses know it's one way to keep me distracted, I guess. Everybody's got a different system.

I think Watanuki's mind can handle a transvestite Doumeki.

It's a really cute movie. One of the main characters is Lola, who is a big beautiful drag queen. I <3 Lola, she's great.


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