some thoughts

Feb 01, 2020 15:13

1) I need to catch up on the Snowflake challenges. I'm probably going to talk about due South for some of it, but IDK, I think Xena could use a bit of a boost from me.

2) Since photobucket has gone the way of "pay us or we put watermarks over EVERYTHING," a lot of old icons are now covered in watermarks, or blurred out altogether. (Unsure if this blurring is due to Photobucket or the iconmakers themselves.) So now I want to renew my ideas I had about doing some vids and icons, and the software I'd need for that. Icons for LJ and DW are not as in high a demand as they once were, but hey, who doesn't want more icons to choose from?

Getting appropriate software is going to be key, because I'm trying to save my money, and that means not spending it on things that I don't need or in some other way better my current position. While making vids/icons would probably make me feel awesome, the loss of money to potential software costs is not attractive right now.

3) Ditto with getting a desktop computer. I love my hardy little laptops--I have two, one of which needs repair before it will be honestly workable again, and the other of which I'm typing on right now. But even my younger laptop (ie This One) is starting to show signs of getting older, and I'm at a point where I would love to have a desktop again. But first, I need a job that would allow me to rent or buy a space that would allow for a desk. Not worth getting until then, honestly. But I'm working on it!

4) On a more personal note, the vetinary practice that treated Taddeus has made a donation to a university vetinary medicine program in his name. They also sent me a sympathy card with a personal note written in it. All around a great vet's office. I still miss him but not as sharply.

making icons, icons, fandom, personal, snowflake challenge

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