fic wips

Sep 23, 2018 10:20

due South

*the monster F/K fic (that may not turn out to be as monstrous as thought, we'll see)
*werewolf AU, possibly more than one
*the haunting of ray kowalski
*mob au
*ray legally changes his name
*bob/caroline/buck backstory, leading to buck being fraser's second dad
*others as they show up, and they will show up
*a line from "All the Comforts of Home": "If you hadn't been undercover, I'd have chased you without brakes." (Paraphrased) Basically: AU in that RayK is added to the 2-7 and RayV is stll there and Fraser has found himself a prickly rude boyfriend
*Hannibal/due South cross, where hopefully only minor OCs die horribly. no promises.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

*an AU idea from "Primeval" that I had years ago and would like to actually tackle again
*I may have some Giles/Xander hanging around in my brain still


*Watanuki Jones still needs finishing
*Reincarnated OT3 still needs rewriting and finishing
*Himawari dimension-jumper still needs finishing
*I'd like to tackle the idea of cross-dressing Doumeki, as I'm a bit more woke than I was the first time I tried to tackle that particular topic
*Downpour wants to be finished, I think
*Adopted AU possibly does, also

damn, here I thought for a long time I wasn't going to do fic anymore....turns out I might still have something to say regarding xxxHolic and BtVS after all.
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