Re: Angel the Series
1) Cordelia! I love Cordelia. Especially once she realizes that she is indeed the Bitch-Queen of all she surveys.
2) *sporfle* Wesley trying to be a badass is so cute, I can't even.
3) Angel really is more likeable on his own show. Partially I think this comes from the fact that we see things more from his point of view, so his mannerisms and decisions come into sharper focus. Also the writers have no problem lampooning his broodiness or making fun of him, and that helps a lot.
4) I like the 'Mundane law enforcement meets the supernatual' plot thread a whole lot better than the 'Champion of the Powers That Be up against the Lawyers of Evil' plot thread. Yeah, I know which one comes out on top.
5) I like the view of the Buffyverse we get through this series. Demon diversity, culture--it's the sort of thing Buffy doesn't get to deal with, since she lives on a Hellmouth, and if it's on a Hellmouth, chances are good it's evil and wants to eat your face.
6) BRB, LOLing forever at Wesley and Angel dancing. (Clips from both seen in the first 30 seconds of
this video.)