Nicole picked up her graduation gown and cap today. She tried it on and thought the cap looked retarded on her. I was jealous. She's almost free.
As for me:
Summer 2007 New Paltz courses via Online:
- Media and Society
- Psychology of Women
- History of Fashion (fulfills GE3 WEST!)
...not sure how I'm paying for 9 credits over the summer since Financial Aide doesn't cover non-Academic year semesters.
Fall 2007:
- Org Comm 1 (I won't be stupid this time)
- Interpersonal Communication Seminar (I freaked out and dropped it because I don't really want an Interpersonal-related job, but whatev, I just wanna finish A.S.A.P. and get the fuck outta there)
- Storytelling and Culture (Anne Goding teaches it...hence why everyone wants to take it!)
- History of Women to 1880 (fulfills GE USST)
- Conflict Management
It's funny, because Conflict Management is usually the first class to get full during registration...I lucked out this time. Woot.
Spring 2008:
- I'll need to take one Math Class
- I'm going to do the 2-week January Intersession thing Abroad in's 3 credits and counts as part of the Spring Semester (Financial Aide covers it...woot!) I need to find out a way for my sister to do this too through Albany
- 2 upper division courses
NOTE: I doubt any of you give a fuck about what I just typed, but it was really for myself. It's nice to say "out loud" (not really out loud since it's online) that I'm almost done. :)