That was much incredibly fun. And fwee. And I really want to call her now but I can't remember her area code. Which is a bad reason for not calling but THAT'S OKAY.
Hee, I tried three different area codes, none of which worked, and then I tried to call Kai but I got her area code wrong too, and then I tried to call Bri but I could only remember the last four digits of her number. I fail at life. (I lose.)
ANYWAY, so I've worked out that my time spent with Beans can be divided into four S-categories: snuggling, snogging, sleeping and silliness. That pretty much sums it up. *nods*
We decided we were going to make me all gothy, so I put on black lipstick and sprinky eyeliner:
I mourned the fact that Beans' duct tape was wearing off my shoes, so she offered me some more duct tape, and I re-taped my shoes VERY SKILLFULLY. Beans took a picture of my amazing talent:
Then, fascinated by the sprink of the digital camera, I took this amazing artful picture that I think really summarizes the feelings of the modern-day American:
Then I decided that if I was wearing Beans' lipstick and eye make-up, she should be wearing mine:
Then I wore a squishy pillow as a hat:
And then we drew on each other's faces with purple eyeliner, for some reason:
The black on her nose and the red on my face is lipstick.
I'd tell you how long it took to get the mustache off, but I'd rather not relive that particular experience. :P