(no subject)

Jun 08, 2008 19:19

Age: 18.
Height: Six feet tall.
Weight: 160-ish.
Medical Info: Vampire. Not fond of lots of amounts of sunlight, but doesn't die under it, either. Needs blood. Heals quickly with blood.
Eyes: Green.
Hair: Blond.
Physical traits: Tall, skinny, attractive, according to canon. Smiles a lot. Has a fondness for pretty clothing, especially lots of sweaters.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Nothing post-chapter 33 for now. Nothing about anyone attacking people, nothing like that. It would make him uneasy as it is, and he doesn't like hearing that his friends are hurt.
Abilities: I ... don't know. Healing is a given, possible great strength, but canon hasn't confirmed. Takuma is NOT a fighter, though, so this won't be important for a while.
Notes for the Psychics: Takuma is pretty honest when he says things. He'll worry about Kaname and his friends a lot of the time, but he's pretty straight-forward. His moral grounding is basically as follows: Kaname can do anything, as long as it doesn't hurt one of their friends too viciously. He understands Zero's reasoning for needing to hurt things, too, so he's pretty understanding in that area. It means he's a little morally gray, but not entirely.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Yes to all, but please check with me. As for the last one, he'll probably try to get out of it. He's not a fighter and if he's in a position to fight, it won't happen. The only person he fights for is Kaname, and Kaname has other bitches to do it better.
Maim/Murder/Death: No, no, no, unless the final is for humorous reasons. Ichijou is also a vampire, and the canon is pretty clear that you need very special weapons to do it. Which aren't like Whedon-verse weapons.
Cooking: Ahahaha, he's a rich boy. No.
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