EL-OH-FREAKING-EL Final Fantasy XIII is not a PS3 exclusive! It's still not playable on a system that I actually have (I won't have enough money for a PS3 until about 10 years from now when they're marked down to $100, and I'm pretty sure the Xbox 360 is out of my budget as well), but it makes me laugh to think of all the fanboys who's dreams have been crushed.
Give it up, fanboys. While I have no idea about the technical stuff, sales say that the PS3 pales in comparison to the Wii and the 360.
Also in gamer news (although far less fascinating), I *gasp* finished *sob* Trauma Center the other day. After finally beating episode 6-7 after 6 months because I FAIL, I only had one episode left. I figured I'd have about half a game left, but no. So all together, that game was pretty short. I could have beaten it in 3, maybe even 2 days (assuming I do other things as well). There is some super-hard extra content, though, but since the vitals go down at the drop of a kitten, I need to get faster at the game before I try those again.
And not in gamer news...on Sunday I went to check out an outdoor concert with the family. I had chosen to wear nice jeans, low heels, and a cute top. It was a halter, though, so I asked my mom if it was too elaborate for the occasion. She said it looked fine, and we got into a discussion about clothes and how we both want to dress more maturely. She said, and I quote, "You know, you should buy a miniskirt!"
Since when does a mom suggest that? Apparently she feels I'm mature enough to understand the "meaning" of wearing small skirts and cleavage-baring tops (thought not at the same time).
So next time I'm going to the mall, I'm buying some skank clothes 8D (waits for it...)
- Hold new episodes of Avatar forever.
- Release 2 new episodes in Canada, then stop.
- Fans get tired and upload Canadian episodes online.
- Release Canadian episodes (as well as 2 more) ON DVD SO THE WORLD CAN UPLOAD THEM ONLINE.
- Finally release all new episodes on TV in the U.S. after everyone who cares about Avatar has watched the first 4 online.
- ???
I do not understand. And now everytime I see a commercial for new Avatar, I want to scream, "THEY'RE NOT NEW EPISODES AOVIEJWOFH." But I'm just crazy.
Love n' peace.