I feel so bad for everyone that's friended me in the last couple months; you're probably all "YO DOES THIS GIRL EVER POST??" D: I miss having something to write about, but when your life's in the toilet like mine, it's hard to concentrate on anything other than negativity, and I don't want to post that here. I don't have the energy either.
I've made the decision to move back in with my mom, and the stars aligned in such a way that the perfect time for me to do that is this weekend, so that's the other reason I've been quiet--I just have a lot to take care of in very little time. And while part of me is like
part of me is also optimistic. I'm going to ~reboot~ my life, start over, go back to school, figure out what it is I want to do with my life now. I think that with most of the financial stress off my shoulders, I'll finally be able to breathe a bit and be creative again. I've always envied those who are any good at bouncing back from failure, brushing their shoulders off and getting on with life. It takes me so long, and every setback I've faced in the last year has pushed me deeper and deeper into a hole that I'm still learning how to dig myself out of. /cheer up emo sparkly
I'm still around though, lurking, mod-ing, randomly commenting here and there. I COULD NEVER REALLY LEAVE THIS PLACE, BITCH PLZ.
I'll leave you with this moment of zen, courtesy of
infinityshark who made this their ship on Star Trek Online: