Feb 12, 2009 00:35

So Friday was my 21st for the sixth time birthday, which I spent out on the town with a bunch of friends, including so_severus, ziasudra, and that_i_can_see (and fatpeffy was there in spirit). I shocked everyone by actually wearing a dress, and paid homage to the '80s by wearing tights with leg warmers and heels (also, it was too frickin cold to not have something under the dress). Unfortunately, one of my guests, who shall remain anonymous, chose to eat some dodgy seafood mixed with copious amounts of alcohol and wound up puking all over the Upper West Side D: HAPPY BARFDAY 2 ME! But it was still an awesome night (especially since I wasn't the one throwing up ;D)

To give us all an idea of how old I am, I was lucky enough to come across a youtube vid of one of my favorite PBS morning shows when I was in kindergarten:


image Click to view

DOES ANYONE ELSE REMEMBER THIS??? XD I'm pretty sure this show explains my love/hate relationship with the retail industry, and that deep down I am still holding out for a hot mannequin to come alive and sweep me off my feet one day.

IN RELATED NEWS...who else is single this Valentine's Day? If I see one more cheesy ad for diamonds, I am going to throw something at the television.

IN EMPLOYMENT NEWS.... *crickets*

Did anyone else watch the 133rd Westminster Dog Show this week? I did, because even though I find dog shows to be one of the most ridiculous "sports" white people have ever come up with, I am a sucker for dogs, and this is like the Super Bowl for dogs. (Not to be confused with Puppy Bowl.) Also, it's the only place where you can use the term "Bitch" in front of a bunch of stuffy old rich people.

I just find this picture hilarious. It's like the world's most elegant litterbox.

fatpeffy: "He looks like he should have a Jamaican accent."

moar awesome pictures!

Even though I was cheering for the Scottie, the Giant Schnauzer, and the Puli for Best In Show, the title went to "Stump" (lol forever), a 10-year-old Sussex Spaniel who apparently almost DIED 5 years ago and then made a huge comeback this year, beating out all these young'uns! GO STUMP GO! He's kinda ugly imho, but he's a badass in my book.


...I think I want to get a dog :3

birthday, dog show, rl

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