…I know, he could get a job as a sushi chef no problem……

Mar 20, 2005 14:04

I. Am. So. Cold. I am wearing, jeans, a long slaved shirt, Garrett’s Yamaha sweatshirt, and two, yes two pair of socks. And I am still freezing. As we speak I am in front of the fire with a large and oh so comfy blanket. I now know what a Slomafion (hahaha, Slomafion!) must feel like every day of their life. Gerlack, I don’t think that I can feel my toes any more. And to make things so much better I fell all sick, I think that I ate something that was poisoned. That must be it. All right who’s trying to kill me? Cuz you should stop, really, that’s just not nice.

Anyway, the party was a blast! Well except for the last part, but up till them I had so much fun! Every one was there, and we all got a bit tipsy. I have a feeling that I was super annoying, so I would like to apologize for that. At the end I was getting all tired, cuz I need sleep, so I just put my head on whoever was next to me. Autumn and I decided that we should go out side and try to do cartwheels! And as a bonus… I can! Go me go! We never made it to go see marry. And I really wanted to, but all in all things turn out all right regardless.

In other news, yesterday I called in sick to work. Betty asked if it was from the party, in other words she thought that I had a hangover. I told her that I had been up all night because my tummy was trying to kill me. Then she asked if Autumn would cover my shift. I went and gave Autumn the phone, and Autumn told Betty that she had a hangover, well not in so many words. So long story short. My boss thinks that both Autumn and myself were all sick from being hungover, but neither of us were. We did not have that much to drink. We were up all night. We got no sleep whatsoever. Both of our stomachs were trying to tell us something, with their gurgle, gurgle, gurgling. But I slept really good last night to compensate. God bless sleep.

I am really worried about my finals, I have them both on Wednesday. I started to study for my Astronomy test, but that would go better if I could find my star charts. I did read the chapters though. In my speech class we have to give out “one to many”. And I still have no clue what we are supposed to do. I just plan on standing in front of the class and explain to them the love that I feel towards all things that are shinny, and pink. I hope that works. If not then I’ll go on about the roll that reciprocity plays in our interpersonal relationships. Either way I think Lee will enjoy it. I should bake some cookie or something….

My computer just told me that it has a virus, that was nice of it. A little window just went “ding” and said I have a virus and that I should scan my files…. I love my computer! (throws computer against a large rock)

Well I am off! I gots lots to study for, or maybe I’ll take a nap….

PS: Michelle, I hope that every thing is going to be all right! I love you!
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