May 12, 2004 18:41
boring stuff.. computer is workin again..
Had a game today against York Town but it was cancelled. Ofcourse they waited untill we were at the fuckin bear mt. bridge to tell us so we turned around. That was one long bus ride. I slept for half of it while jamie tried to bug me for math help. sorry.
I'm really glad that Lacrosse has benefitted my tanning habits. I've started wayy early this year. This is a good thing for people who know that I have this difficulty with getting color. I jus stay the same. I dont burn and I really dont get tan.
I think its thundering again. That'd be good cuz I like thunder storms. The one on the bus was exciting....I suppose
Didnt go to pointe tonight cuz my legs are super fuct up and my back is being a bitch again so I pretended to study for most of the night.
ordered new ballet stuff...I NEED to take some sort of class this summer. but I really really really want it to be Jazz at Broadway Dance center. Too bad it wont happen.
my room is goin pink!
Cay we're goin shoppin!
whoa, that skirt is definitly see-through and she is definitly wearing a thong_nice observation Cay!