Meme :3
Taken from shade_creek ^__^
Answer in the comment XP :D
1) Are you currently in a serious relationship?
2) What was your dream growing up?
3) What talent do you wish you had?
4) If I bought you a drink what would it be?
5) Favorite vegetable?
6) What was the last book you read?
7) What zodiac sign are you?
8) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? Explain
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1) Wow it's been that long? :O :D ♥ Gratz! :D
2) That's sorta... cute :D; the getting your best friend's parents to adopt thing >.>; I'm weird, I know ♥
3) :x
4) But I'm lactose intolerant :D; *facepalms* XD
5) Carrotss *__* :P
6) Ooo :O
7) :D :D
9) I think a lot of people do that :x |D
10) I don't get this question XD;
11) :O I see :D <3 Running's sorta good cos... well it's probably easier... you don't have to remember 4596554 rules XD
12) I figure it's easier to be pessimistic so you don't have to be disappointed when things go bad :x
13) Well I'd be clinging to you so XP *fails with elevators*
14) >.>;;;
15) YAY! :D Insane is gooood :3
16) Eee ♥ How is Nocy? :D
17) :D;;;
20) That's good! :D
21) Nah~ We can do it Niou!style ;D
22) Ooo pretty :D :D
23) I think it means the police >.>
24) Good point :O
25) That's really quite smart :D; ♥
27) :D I actually forgot a place then if I'm saying out of my room >.>;
32) Quirky~ :D <3 I like that word >.>; XD
35) To an extent? The whole how can he cause suffering thing or? >.>
36) V. True XP
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