I is has learned somethin'!

Dec 31, 2008 00:43

How to Turn Your Old iPod Into a Newish External Hard Drive
An exercise in the trial-and-error method, by sockherder.

1. Remember that you own an older model iPod with video, after you find it in one of your desk drawers.

2. Hook it up to your computer.

3. Watch the iPod reboot itself eleventy billion times because it's been in your desk for at least six months and it can't get up enough juice through your USB connection to actually start charging.

4. There is no 4.

5. Fifteen minutes after it starts charging, attempt to format it using the Windows format utility [this will kill the iPod's ability to play music, FYI].

6. Wonder if it's a bad thing that the battery died halfway through the format.

7. Swear profusely when you realize that yes, it was indeed a bad thing; scour the internet to stop its reboot loop until you figure out how to turn it on in disk mode.

8. Let the damn thing charge.

9. Come back three hours later, and attempt to format it again. Success!

10. Drag and drop files onto your newish external hard drive.

Apparently it's unwise to use a recycled iPod as your primary external, as the drive was not meant for that type of prolonged, extensive use. However, from what I read it's perfectly fine to use it as a backup drive.

awesomesauce, ph34r mah dorkitude!, magz is smrat

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