» I got cut off in traffic by a violently yellow Nissan Xterra today, and the first thing I thought was "WTF, Logan Echolls lives in Maine?" *facepalm*
» It is, indeed, possible to drive 70 MPH while having a sneezing fit. I should know -- I have them all the time, now, especially while I'm delivering flowers. My parents removed five dustpans full of pollen, dust, dirt, and other schmutz from the delivery van today, so hopefully that'll help clear up my sinuses. If not, maybe it's time to start thinking about getting some immunotherapy.
» I really want to buy a new digital camera, like, really. I just need one that picks up color really accurately, and is great with macro shots in semi-dark environments. :| I think I'm asking too much.
» Lately my thoughts have surrounded the mystery behind assassinations in the US. Why is it that we kill our young, brilliant, forward-thinking politicos, fellow Americans? Shouldn't we let them, y'know, think forward and save the world? I'm 100% positive I'm voting for Obama in the upcoming election, but now I'm kinda concerned that he pick a really, really good vice-presidential candidate, just y'know. In case history repeats itself again.
» Meme: List ten six [because I'm an antisocial loser who should really get to know her flist better] people who make your day, in no particular order. If you're listed, you're charged with naming ten of your own friends in your own LJ -- unless you've already done so.
fiareynne ♥
gwentastic ♥
kallysten ♥
kantayra ♥
marishna ♥
xdawnfirex ♥
» I haven't used ♥ so often in one post in... ever.