Jul 01, 2008 19:21

The rest of today, including getting a super-late start on my deliveries, having to withstand my father's horrendous B.O. on said deliveries, the cartilage in my chicken nugget at lunch, the bird I hit on I-95 way back from my route, the way I mysteriously smell of animal urine [OMFG I DON'T KNOW], and the incessant whining of my nephew who wants to play "Guitar Herooooooo..." can go screw itself. Because today is the day that I PATTED A FERAL BARN KITTEN.

And it was GLORIOUS. And FLUFFY. And not to mention, entirely too skinny. I should catch it and give it to fiareynne someone who can hug it and pet it and give it lots of love and food.
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