Political rant. You have been warned.

May 24, 2004 23:10

Well, fuck me.

Seems we might be getting drafted next June, boys and girls. I'm either going to A) start the paperwork to become a conscientious objector to the draft rightfuckingnow or B) marry a Canadian dude, get pregnant, and shoot myself in the foot. Considering, you know, that college won't keep you from getting drafted and sent off to die in some unforgiving land.

Why couldn't I have gotten dual citizenship with Germany before I turned 18? Now I'd have to denounce my American citizenship [which means never being allowed to set foot inside the country again] and go through miles and miles of bureaucracy to make myself German.

So, war or jail. War... or jail. [Jail being the consequence of being a conscientious objector, and therefore not completing the draft paperwork.] Dying with nasty bulletwounds, or being gang-raped by a bunch of butch lesbians in prison? Well, on the plus side, being raped doesn't usually kill you. Physically anyway.

Have I mentioned how much Bush needs to get impeached, or poisoned [not that I'd ever dream of the President dying, for that's just a horrible, horrible, horrible thought...] or smacked upside the head with something blunt and heavy? Turning the entire Middle East into a parking lot with shiny bombs isn't the way to ensure your country's safety, Dubyah. I believe former president Gerald Ford said it best when he mentioned something about how horrifying it is to see several decades' worth of positive foreign policy brushed aside by a moron and his war-happy cabinet. Almost everyone in the world hates us right now, kiddos. And if you're too blind to see it, then get your head out of your ass, because if there's a World War 3, we'll see a lot of people joining forces against the USA.

And I'm not going to be surprised in the least.

Sidenote: Anyone wonder if maybe he's doing this so that he throws all of us off his trail in regard to the whole anti-homosexuals thing?

politickin': i give up, politickin'

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