By which I mean, I actually finished it. Which is weird, because I never finish these things. I blame
tessisamess for this change, since I collaborated with her on the story. Aaaaanywho.
The story is now (finally, hooray laziness!) up at our collaborative fic LJ, so I figured it was probably time to post about it on my own LJ. Right? Right.
tessisamess and
silver_pairedFandom: Glee
Pairing: Kurt Hummel/Dave Karofsky
Rating: NC-17
Summary: When Dave starts his second semester at OSU, the last person he expects to run into on campus is Kurt Hummel -- after all, last he knew, Kurt was off to kickstart his glamorous life in New York. He and Kurt have never been friends, but now that he's out and the only person Kurt knows on campus, and the threat of high school humiliation is no longer looming, what's to stop them from trying?
Part one (the fic was split due to size restrictions) is located