So, as most of you in the Merlin fandom know, someone contacted the BBC because they were disgusted with an event that happened in 3x04. Unfortunately, I found myself caught in the middle of the mini-wank that resulted both at
merlinxarthur and at
shapingdestiny [where I swear it felt like I was debating with the same person], because when I'm sick, which I have been for
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And you described exactly why I heart Merlin and Arthur so much, right there. *points* Thanks for that.
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That's what I keep saying. Arthur obviously didn't throw the vambrace with the intention of knocking Merlin unconscious -- Merlin, on the other hand, knocked Arthur's sword out of his hand with no idea what would happen to him when he did, and then he laughed and -- I don't want to get grumpy about the double standard again, especially since a lot of it seems to stem from "Ohhh, poor Colin..."
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